Umeshu & Liqueur


Happiness 2021

Happiness 2021

From time immemorial, the harvesting of fruits symbolizes success, abundance and happiness, the culmination of labor and sunlight. With this art bearing the character from her name, Adeline embraces the passing of seasons with faith, hope and joy as depicted in her poem. The delectable fruits prized by Japanese and the world alike, pleasing colors and invigorating tastes of this unique series epitomize the celebration of life seasons laden with abundant optimism and happiness.

SADA Fruit Sake and Liqueur Series in four flavors – Yuzu Sake, Umeshu Akazake (Plum), Sakuranbo (Cherry) and Amanatsu (Sweet Orange) features the best natural produce that Japan is renowned for. Lovingly cultivated Japanese fruits handpicked at their peak are brewed to create delightful beverages that complement any cuisine or enjoyed on their own. Crafted with only real fruits, SADA is the perfect companion to seasons of abundance and bliss.

"Adeline’s sake gives the sensory experience of taste and visual that I greatly appreciate and enjoy. A rare combination that will delight your palate!"

Kho Choon Jo

Distributorship opportunities available.